Suicide Gorge and More

Day Trip

Price: from R450 per person per day, all inclusive*
Where: Suicide Gorge and Bainskloof
* includes light lunch, trail snacks and drinks
* minimum 4 people, maximum 6 people

Butterflies and Waterfalls

Squeaky Frog

Price: from R950 per person.* R200 extra for 4×4 cruise (optional) *
Where: Scheppie Saus Scoop
Min 4-6 persons although trips for 2 can be arranged…if you ask nicely!

Lower Noukrans and Harbinger’s Secret

Rolling Pebbles

Price: from R950.00 per person per night, all inclusive* (1, 2 or 3 nights)
Where: Tweedetol
• please enquire for additional nights
• min 4-6 persons although trips for 2 can be arranged – if you ask nicely…

Haarwegskloof: Songs of the Flow

Zero 2 Hero

Price: from R1350 per person per night, all inclusive* (2 or 3 nights)
Where: Winterhoek Mountains
• please enquire for additional nights
• min 4-6 persons
• accommodation in huts subject to availability (Plan B: tents)